Cats instinctively like to relax in sand or dirt. If you offer your cat a litter box, he will gladly go there instead of the carpet. If you get your kitten used to the litter box as soon as he gets home, he will always use it. It is important to find the right cat litter box for him and encourage him to use it. You don't need to teach your cat what to do in a litter box, it will find its way by instinct. The important thing is that you provide a cat toilet that he will love to use and that he can easily access.
To get your cat used to sand, you must choose the right sand. There are many types of sand to choose from. It is not easy to find litter that your cat will love and be comfortable with. You can make choices based on trial and error methods and your cat's reactions. The litter you choose will irritate your cat's lungs due to the amount of dust. It would be beneficial to choose dust-free sand whenever possible.